Missing my Abert’s Towhees

Preparing for Sunday brunch I wanted to give it till then. Yet no wakeup call from my Towhee’s to alert me they were nearby. Not a sound today from anywhere in the vicinity. Now I’m in tears and I am insisting we go on a walk to search the area where I believe their nest is nearby. I called out to them every few steps as I call them in my yard. “Phoebe Phoebe” Believe it or not, they actually respond to this with their chirp. When we first became acquainted, I thought they were Say’s Phoebes lol so it just stuck with them and they are responsive. My heart is broken and I’m beginning to think something horrible happened to them. Now I’m praying and I am devastated. 

These special birds have been with me since the start of the pandemic.  I was just learning about these magnificent little creatures and these 2 captured my heart.  I quickly ran out and bought them their own bowl and experimented on the food I would offer. From Ezekiel bread crumbs to peas, carrots, blueberries and orange slices, they showed me quick what was of interest. Soon after, meal worms. 

This would replace my Starbucks habit with weekly runs to Petco for live mealworms lol.

My Towhee’s are the reason Grackles are not allowed in our yard. I came to their defense when they became territorial with a female grackle and several times thereafter till the Grackles knew they were not welcomed. I always protected my birds every chance possible and they always knew this was their yard and their safe place. 

I was looking forward to another mating season and hoping to see at least another 5 batches of fledglings visiting our yard again. They raised at least 10 very unique little characters. I always loved their special little ones. I miss my blueberry baby Towhee. He used to come around after he got the boot from the nest and I would leave a blueberry and worms for him in his parents bowl. He was so cute and like clockwork 3- 3:30 he would eat and shortly after, daddy would come scare him off. It made me sad that his own parents were territorial with their little ones and yet I hope they were able to thrive in the world from the short amount of time they spent with their parents. I have so many stories about all the little ones and I miss them so much.

I’m going to pray some more and hopefully my special birds resurface. However, If they don’t, we will meet again in the new kingdom. someday.