A special bond…

So, my Abert’s Towhee pair are not gone after all. They must have relocated their nest somewhere, but they still come to my yard to visit from time to time. I hear them in the distance usually early in the morning or late in the evening. Yet, I don’t call for them anymore because I want them to be safe wherever they are… Only when they are a yard away and I can see from my surroundings that it’s safe will I call them and then they come to the yard to eat. I have a few hiding spots for their bowls, and they are so precious they let each other know where they are when one is visiting at a time until they are both present. They usually do not stay long and then they are off. I learned to not call for them anymore since they must be on high alert for the predators. This means cats, dogs, hawks, and falcons. As vocal as they are with each other they need to be alert and I’m just happy to know they are safe out there. Even if they don’t visit me every day. They’re exactly where they need to be in this world.